The City Council has approved a recommendation from the City Plan Commission and adopted the 2022 Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan is Fort Worth’s official guide for making decisions about growth and development. The plan is a summary of the goals, objectives, policies, strategies, programs and projects that will enable the city to achieve its mission of focusing on the future, working together to build strong neighborhoods, developing a sound economy and providing a safe community.
The Comprehensive Plan guides city programs and departments as well as budget priorities, capital improvements and land-use and development decisions.
Themes of the adopted 2022 Comprehensive Plan include promoting economic growth, meeting the needs of an expanding population, revitalizing the central city, developing multiple growth centers, and celebrating the Trinity River. The Comprehensive Plan is based on the City Council’s strategic goals and on values such as improved mobility, neighborhood vitality and conservation of natural resources.
The 2022 Comprehensive Plan is a significant update that includes these changes to the previous 2021 Comprehensive Plan:
- The Population Trends, Economic Trends, and Financial Trends chapters have been updated to reflect the latest statistical information available for these chapters.
- The following chapters have been redesigned and fully updated for the first time since 2012 to include updated data, new project and program information, new policy direction from recently adopted plans, and graphic enhancements intended to improve the user experience:
- Chapter 8: Human Services
- Chapter 9: Neighborhood Capacity Building
- Chapter 12: Education
- Chapter 15: Arts and Culture
- Chapter 19: Public Health
- Chapter 20: Municipal Facilities
- Chapter 21: Capital Improvements
- Chapter 22: Development Regulations
- Chapter 25: Intergovernmental Cooperation
- New information and map updates have been added to other chapters as well.
- Appendix C: Future Land Use by Sector has been updated to reflect approved zoning changes and new development plans.
- Appendix D: Proposed Capital Improvements has been updated to include the adopted FY2022-2026 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan, along with a graphic summary of major expenditures described in the plan.
- Appendix F: Annexation Plan, Policy, and Program has been updated to reflect changes to the annexation program.
On Jan. 26, the City Plan Commission conducted a public hearing on the draft 2022 Comprehensive Plan and voted unanimously to recommend adopting the plan.
To learn more, contact Eric Fladager, assistant director of Planning & Data Analytics, at 817-392-8011.