A general admission fee for the Fort Worth Botanic Garden goes into effect July 19. The fees will help improve the visitor experience at the 85-year-old garden.
These entrance fees will be in effect: $12 for adult admission, $6 for children 6-15 and $10 for senior citizens; children under 6 are free.
A number of programs will help ensure the popular amenity remains available to all:
- Lone Star Card discounts (SNAP/WIC Card). Discounted annual family membership costs $30, or $2.50 per month.
- MusePass. Free family passes available in Fort Worth Public Library branches, including the option to check them out electronically.
- Sponsored field trips. Sponsored third-grade field trips for FWISD schools. One free family pass included per student.
- Blue Star Program. Free admission to families of active military members Memorial Day through Labor Day.
- Community-based free family passes. Free family admission vouchers distributed to locations that specialize in meeting the needs of underserved populations.
- Selected Mondays. Free for the first hour in the morning and the last hour in the evening, for residents only.
- Half-price Saturday morning, three hours per month.
- Children younger than 18 are free from 3-6 p.m. every school day, for residents only.